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Sunday, September 6, 2020

Essay On Child Marriage | Bal Vivah Par Nibandh


Essay On Child Marriage | Bal Vivah Par Nibandh

  • Introduction
  • Reason For Child Marriage
             i: Sexual Exploitation, Molestation, And Insecurity
             ii: Dowry System
             iii: Poverty
             iv: Social Traditions
             v: Lack Of Education
  •  Effects Of Child Marriage
             i: Illiteracy
             ii: Population Increase
             iii: Increase In Child Widows
             iv: Increase In Diseases Of Women
             v: Family Domestic Violence
  • Measures To Stop Child Marriage
             i: Education
             ii: Financial Help In Marriage
             iii: Strict Law
             iv: Media And Advertising
             v: Change In Thinking
  • Conclusion

1) Introduction

Child marriage is a bad rule. It was prevalent in ancient times when boys and girls were married at a very young age. Child marriages have been happening not only in India but all over the world. The government of India enacted the Child Marriage Prohibition Act on 1 November 2007.

According to this rule, at the time of marriage, the boy's age should be 21 years and the girl's age should be 18 years. People related to child marriage at this age will be punished. Now child marriage is completely banned in India. There is a provision of 15 days imprisonment and 1000 fine for marrying before decided age.

2) Reason For Child Marriage

i: Sexual Exploitation, Molestation, And Insecurity

The cases of sexual exploitation and molestation of girls are constantly increasing. We read about these incidents like rape in newspapers and news channels. Parents get married at an early age to protect their daughters from such incidents. Society is guilty of such criminal incidents but the girls have to suffer.

ii: Dowry System

Dowry is also the main reason for child marriage. Dowry also has to be paid less by getting married at a young age, so parents get the girl married in childhood.

iii: Poverty

Poverty is also the main reason for child marriage. Parents feel that they cannot give higher education to their children. They think that they will not be able to give a good future to the children. The girl will have to spend less money on tutoring, health, and other things by getting married at an early age. So they marry the daughter at a very young age.

iv: Social Traditions

In many areas of India child marriage is done just because people think that it is our tradition. Child marriage is considered a part of tradition and culture. The thinking of the society is also a big reason for child marriage. Child marriage has been encouraged due to such thinking that "girls only have to do household."

v: Lack Of Education

Education is not encouraged in rural areas. Education is not considered necessary especially for girls. For this reason, they do not give importance to the education of girls. She is unable to resist her child marriage due to a lack of education in girls.

3) Effects Of Child Marriage

i: Illiteracy

Due to being married at a young age, children do not get their full education. Especially girls are kept uneducated. Due to marriage, studies have to be left in between. Child marriage increases illiteracy. They do not get opportunities to become self-reliant and empowered due to being unskilled.

ii: Population Increase

According to scientists, due to child marriage, problems of food, clothing, and unemployment increase. Child brides also do not understand the need and methods of family planning. Therefore, there is no control over the progeny. Girls soon become mothers due to child marriages. This causes the population to grow uncontrolled. Unemployment also increases as the population increases.

iii: Increase In Child Widows

Child marriages increase the number of child widows due to this adultery and feticide increases in society due to non-remarriage. These helpless women have to lead an animal life.

iv: Increase In Diseases Of Women

Due to childbirth at the tender age. The health of women is affected and they get trapped in various types of diseases and leave the world in the untimely or live with the disease and weak throughout their life.

v: Family Domestic Violence

Due to marriage in childhood, the husband and wife do not understand each other. Due to this, there is no coordination between the two. Due to a lack of better coordination, there are conflicts in the family. At times, the situation gets worse and worse until divorce or death. Marriage at a young age promotes domestic violence. Husband and wife are not able to fully enjoy the marital life.

4) Measures To Stop Child Marriage

i: Education

Education is man's greatest weapon. It is only by education that a person can decide right and wrong. The educated person opposes child marriage. If girls are educated, they will also oppose it. Education has an important role to play in preventing child marriage. This practice can be removed from society only by the spread of education.

ii: Financial Help In Marriage

The Government of India has made several welfare schemes for daughters from time to time. Under these schemes, the poor family is provided financial help at the time of marriage of the girl. With the help of these schemes, the poor family can also provide good education to the daughter. 

iii: Strict Law

Many laws have been enacted against child marriage by the Government of India. The Child Marriage Prohibition Act of 2006 was enacted in the year 2007. Under this law, the marital ages of boys and girls were fixed at 21 and 18 respectively. Breaking this law carries a jail term of 2 years or a fine of 1 lakh. Or there can be both punishment or fine. 

iv: Media And Advertising

Media can also become a social motivator to stop child marriage. Newspapers and news channels should give advertisements depicting the ill effects of child marriage. Serials and programs should be released on the consequences of child marriage on television.

v: Change In Thinking

There have been many attempts in history to stop child marriage. But till now we have not been completely successful in stopping child marriage. The main reason for this is our conservative thinking. First of all, we have to change this conservative thinking.

5) Conclusion

To prevent child marriage at the government level, it has been made illegal by making several laws, under which there are provisions to punish the bride and groom and their parents of such marriages. To eradicate this curse from our society, everyone must become aware.

Both the government and the public should cooperate to prevent child marriage. The sooner the child marriages which destroy family planning and destroy the dignity of women and freedom. So Now everyone should try to stop it.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Essay On LockDown | LockDown Par Nibandh



Essay On LockDown | LockDown Par Nibandh

  • Introduction
  • Why Was The Lockdown Announced
  • Benefits Of Lockdown
  • Loss of Lockdown
  • Conclusion

1) Introduction

Lockdown is an emergency when you cannot get out of the house or anywhere. It is also not necessary that you are at home, that is, wherever you are, after the announcement of lockdown you cannot go anywhere. And when this happens in lockdown on a large scale, it takes the form of curfew.

The area where the lockdown is announced. The people are allowed to come out only for shopping for essential things like medicine and food and drink. During the lockdown, no person can go to the market for unnecessary work.

2) Why Was The Lockdown Announced

Corona is the name of a deadly virus that is spreading rapidly throughout the world. It started in China, which gradually spread throughout the world. Italy, Spain, the USA are some countries which are badly affected and the situation in these countries is out of control and the government is unable to do anything. 

Avoiding corona is the best way to avoid it. Keeping a distance of 5-6 feet between each other, wearing a mask, washing hands periodically with soap for at least 20 seconds is the cure. And creating social distance, not leaving home when not needed, such as working, you can protect yourself. That is why the government took such big steps and announced the lockdown.

3) Benefits Of Lockdown

i: The biggest thing is that lockdown is the biggest factor in stopping the pandemic.

ii: In everyday life, we get so involved in office work that we do not get a chance to spend time with our family. We got the best moments in lockdown that we had with our loved ones.

iii: Large factories and vehicles have been prohibited due to lockdown. One good thing that has happened that is factory waste was flown out into the water has been banned. Air pollution has been controlled. The water of the rivers is moving towards cleanliness. Yamuna water looks clearer than before. There has been a decline in air, sound, and water pollution which is beneficial for nature.

iv: Because of the lockdown, children or older are eating clean and nutritious food at home, which is good for health. This has left the habit of people eating junk food.

v: Online education and working digitally are encouraged, which greatly benefit companies associated with online technology.

4) Loss of Lockdown

i: Due to the closure of the big office, tomorrow and the factory, there has been a tragedy on the workers. who used to live on daily wages has stopped. People are sleeping hungry in the colony. Poor people have had the biggest impact on lockdown.

ii: Due to the absence of any kind of trade, the GDP growth of the countries falls.

iii: There is a complete lockdown in many places due to which in many places people are not even able to eat, due to which government tries to reach them.

iv: Many companies, their company employees, and workers are thrown out of work due to the wharf in the business, due to which the problem of unemployment increases rapidly.

5) Conclusion

Whenever there is a problem of lockdown, it will be due to some compulsion so if we positively change this compulsion then nothing can be bigger than this. By taking note of some of the common things above, we can turn the lockdown into a fun, safe, informative, success path, like many positives.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Essay On Cyber Crime | Cyber Crime Par Nibandh


Essay On Cyber Crime | Cyber Crime Par Nibandh

  • Introduction
  • What Is Cybercrime

  • Type Of Cybercrime
               i) Hacking
               ii) Cyber Stocking
               iii) Website Hijacking
               iv) Phishing
  • Measures To Prevent Cybercrime

  • Conclusion        

1: Introduction                                                                   

Internet is a medium through which people and companies can connect from one end of the world to the other. Technological advancement has made humans dependent on the Internet in every way. Easy access to the Internet has made everything available only by sitting in one place. Social networking, online purchases, information exchange, gaming, online studies, online jobs, everything a human can imagine is possible with the Internet with just one click.

The Internet is used in every field in today's era. Along with the increasing advantages of the Internet, a sinister issue like cybercrime has also emerged. Cybercrimes are committed in different ways. Until a few years ago there was not much awareness about all these things. The incidence and rate of cybercrime are increasing day by day in India along with other foreign countries.

2: What Is Cybercrime

Cybercrime is a crime or computer crime that involves a computer as a tool and a network bridge. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. Cybercrime may threaten a personal identity or a nation's security to earn money.

The United States court has divided Cyber ​​Crime into three parts. The first in which computer equipment is its target, such as controlling the network of another. Second, using a computer as a weapon and the third is used as an accessory for crime, such as taking illegal data from a computer. 

Cybercrime is a kind of dangerous malicious activity, that is spread from the virus. In which illegal data is taken and then inserted into the systems of others, by doing this, things with copyright are greatly damaged. In various cybercrime selling illegal items like weapons, drugs, etc.

3: Type Of Cybercrime

i) Hacking

Hanking is a crime in which a computer can be misused in any way without the permission of the owner of the device and computer. By hacking, criminals steal personal information from their computer and blackmail the owner. by doing all of this they want to earn money.

ii) Cyber Stocking

It is a crime by which a person is harassed; Chasing the victim, a person is harassed by call, tampering with property. After stocking, there is a motive to harm the victim mentally and physically. The stokers aim to harm the victim by illegally collecting all the information of the victim and displaying their wrong image on the internet.

iii) Website Hijacking

Web hijacking is a crime in which illegally control is taken over a person's website. The owner of the website loses control over this crime. Many cases of web hijacking keep coming up. Many times the terrorists hack the government's website and send their message to the government.

iv) Phishing

This is a crime in which an email and message are sent to the victim, which claims to have been sent by an established enterprise to extract the confidential personal information of the victim.

4: Measures To Prevent Cybercrime

i) If you are using a computer, then you should use a firewall to protect your computer from hackers.

ii) Cyber experts advise people that users should shop only on secure websites so that when you enter your bank information or credit card information, you are not afraid of theft.

iii) If you use a computer then You should use anti-virus software so that your computer does not get a virus. Once the virus has entered your computer, it can spoil your data completely.

iv) Keep an eye on children and limit their use of the Internet.

v) Keep information safe to avoid hacking. Use encryption for most sensitive files or financial records, create regular back-ups for all important information, and store it somewhere else.

vi) Users should be careful while giving personal information such as name, address, phone number, or financial information on the Internet. Make sure the websites are secure.

5: Conclusion

In short, cybercrime is developing as a serious threat. Governments, police departments, and intelligence units around the world have begun to react against cybercrime. Many efforts are also being made at the international level. Police have started special cyber cells across the country and have started educating people so that they gain knowledge and protect themselves from such crimes.