
Sunday, September 6, 2020

Essay On Child Marriage | Bal Vivah Par Nibandh

Essay on Child Marriage – For College and University Students and also for competitive exams. In this essay, you will know the reason, effect of it.

Essay On Child Marriage | Bal Vivah Par Nibandh

  • Introduction
  • Reason For Child Marriage
             i: Sexual Exploitation, Molestation, And Insecurity
             ii: Dowry System
             iii: Poverty
             iv: Social Traditions
             v: Lack Of Education
  •  Effects Of Child Marriage
             i: Illiteracy
             ii: Population Increase
             iii: Increase In Child Widows
             iv: Increase In Diseases Of Women
             v: Family Domestic Violence
  • Measures To Stop Child Marriage
             i: Education
             ii: Financial Help In Marriage
             iii: Strict Law
             iv: Media And Advertising
             v: Change In Thinking
  • Conclusion

1) Introduction

Child marriage is a bad rule. It was prevalent in ancient times when boys and girls were married at a very young age. Child marriages have been happening not only in India but all over the world. The government of India enacted the Child Marriage Prohibition Act on 1 November 2007.

According to this rule, at the time of marriage, the boy's age should be 21 years and the girl's age should be 18 years. People related to child marriage at this age will be punished. Now child marriage is completely banned in India. There is a provision of 15 days imprisonment and 1000 fine for marrying before decided age.

2) Reason For Child Marriage

i: Sexual Exploitation, Molestation, And Insecurity

The cases of sexual exploitation and molestation of girls are constantly increasing. We read about these incidents like rape in newspapers and news channels. Parents get married at an early age to protect their daughters from such incidents. Society is guilty of such criminal incidents but the girls have to suffer.

ii: Dowry System

Dowry is also the main reason for child marriage. Dowry also has to be paid less by getting married at a young age, so parents get the girl married in childhood.

iii: Poverty

Poverty is also the main reason for child marriage. Parents feel that they cannot give higher education to their children. They think that they will not be able to give a good future to the children. The girl will have to spend less money on tutoring, health, and other things by getting married at an early age. So they marry the daughter at a very young age.

iv: Social Traditions

In many areas of India child marriage is done just because people think that it is our tradition. Child marriage is considered a part of tradition and culture. The thinking of the society is also a big reason for child marriage. Child marriage has been encouraged due to such thinking that "girls only have to do household."

v: Lack Of Education

Education is not encouraged in rural areas. Education is not considered necessary especially for girls. For this reason, they do not give importance to the education of girls. She is unable to resist her child marriage due to a lack of education in girls.

3) Effects Of Child Marriage

i: Illiteracy

Due to being married at a young age, children do not get their full education. Especially girls are kept uneducated. Due to marriage, studies have to be left in between. Child marriage increases illiteracy. They do not get opportunities to become self-reliant and empowered due to being unskilled.

ii: Population Increase

According to scientists, due to child marriage, problems of food, clothing, and unemployment increase. Child brides also do not understand the need and methods of family planning. Therefore, there is no control over the progeny. Girls soon become mothers due to child marriages. This causes the population to grow uncontrolled. Unemployment also increases as the population increases.

iii: Increase In Child Widows

Child marriages increase the number of child widows due to this adultery and feticide increases in society due to non-remarriage. These helpless women have to lead an animal life.

iv: Increase In Diseases Of Women

Due to childbirth at the tender age. The health of women is affected and they get trapped in various types of diseases and leave the world in the untimely or live with the disease and weak throughout their life.

v: Family Domestic Violence

Due to marriage in childhood, the husband and wife do not understand each other. Due to this, there is no coordination between the two. Due to a lack of better coordination, there are conflicts in the family. At times, the situation gets worse and worse until divorce or death. Marriage at a young age promotes domestic violence. Husband and wife are not able to fully enjoy the marital life.

4) Measures To Stop Child Marriage

i: Education

Education is man's greatest weapon. It is only by education that a person can decide right and wrong. The educated person opposes child marriage. If girls are educated, they will also oppose it. Education has an important role to play in preventing child marriage. This practice can be removed from society only by the spread of education.

ii: Financial Help In Marriage

The Government of India has made several welfare schemes for daughters from time to time. Under these schemes, the poor family is provided financial help at the time of marriage of the girl. With the help of these schemes, the poor family can also provide good education to the daughter. 

iii: Strict Law

Many laws have been enacted against child marriage by the Government of India. The Child Marriage Prohibition Act of 2006 was enacted in the year 2007. Under this law, the marital ages of boys and girls were fixed at 21 and 18 respectively. Breaking this law carries a jail term of 2 years or a fine of 1 lakh. Or there can be both punishment or fine. 

iv: Media And Advertising

Media can also become a social motivator to stop child marriage. Newspapers and news channels should give advertisements depicting the ill effects of child marriage. Serials and programs should be released on the consequences of child marriage on television.

v: Change In Thinking

There have been many attempts in history to stop child marriage. But till now we have not been completely successful in stopping child marriage. The main reason for this is our conservative thinking. First of all, we have to change this conservative thinking.

5) Conclusion

To prevent child marriage at the government level, it has been made illegal by making several laws, under which there are provisions to punish the bride and groom and their parents of such marriages. To eradicate this curse from our society, everyone must become aware.

Both the government and the public should cooperate to prevent child marriage. The sooner the child marriages which destroy family planning and destroy the dignity of women and freedom. So Now everyone should try to stop it.


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