
Showing posts with label Pollution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pollution. Show all posts

Monday, July 6, 2020

Essay On Air Pollution | Vayu Pradushan Par Nibandh


Essay On Air Pollution | Vayu Pradushan Par Nibandh


Air pollution is spreading across the world like an epidemic. Air is the first requirement for every living creature on earth, but when harmful gases are found in it, then it acts like a slow poison. Air pollution is spreading very fast all over the world.

Pollution of air due to the unnecessary mixing of some elements in the air. Air pollution occurs when any harmful substances like chemicals, micro substances or organic matter are found in the atmosphere.

In this modern era, air pollution is a serious problem all over the world. The main reason for this is industrialization. At present, in large cities, the gases emitted from factories and vehicles contain contaminated gases which are contaminating our environment, due to this we are facing a serious problem like air pollution.

What Is Air Pollution:

Our Earth's atmosphere is made up of different types of gases, in which oxygen is required for the life of humans and other living organisms, which is about 24% in the atmosphere. But gradually due to the changes in the earth, the amount of oxygen is decreasing Gas dissolves

When the internal structure gets affected due to dust, smoke, toxic, gases, chemical vapors, scientific experiments in the air, that is, when the excess of heterogeneous substances becomes harmful to humans and its environment, then this condition is called air pollution.

Causes Of Air Pollution:

Air pollution is caused by both natural causes and human-caused work in our environment.

The most fundamental reason for causing air pollution is the smoke emanating from the vehicles and large factories we drive. Air pollution is also caused by the smoke emanating from plant burning in industrial units, molecular plants, and forests.

Man-Made Causes Of Air Pollution:

Industry Business / Factory : 

Large industry business and tomorrow factory are very important for any country but due to these factories, our atmosphere is getting polluted day by day because these factories produce smoke as well as harmful gases which can cause the entire environment Pollution.

Nuclear Test : 

Every country in the world is conducting nuclear tests to demonstrate its power. Due to which toxic elements are dissolving in air, along with air, the atomic bomb is destroying the entire environment, we can understand this under an example When the United States dropped the atomic bomb at the place called Naga Shaki at the time of the second world war, there was no sign of life, the effect of which is seen even today, the air is still polluted today.

Population Growth: 

The main reason for air pollution is population growth because due to population growth, the amount of oxygen is being used more and more every day and carbon dioxide is being produced in more quantity.


Currently, pesticides are being used by farmers in the fields for a good crop. Due to which, whenever they spray pesticides on the crop. The pesticides are produced in the air and they pollute the air.

Natural Causes Of Air Pollution:

Forest Fire:

There are many big forests on earth. In which there are many trees and vegetation. Due to which a lot of firewood is found in the forests. it starts burning with the spark of a small fire. In most of the summer, there is a fire in the forests. Due to which the entire forest starts burning which causes air pollution.

Volcanic Eruption: 

Many volcanoes on our earth keep reading from time to time and from them, poisonous gas and lava keep coming out, due to which air pollution increases. Recently, there was a volcano in Indonesia, whose dust had spread about 4000 meters. Due to which the flora and fauna around there were destroyed and due to this about 1400 people were killed.

Comet / Meteoroid :

A lot of comets and meteorites move around the Earth in space and they sometimes hit the Earth due to which their dusty soil pollutes our entire atmosphere.

Effects of Air Pollution:

Air Pollution effect on trees - plants and animals. Which are as follows

1:Due to air pollution, the temperature of our earth is increasing gradually and due to this, problems like global warming are facing us. This will melt the ice on the pole and many small countries can drown in it.

2:Due to this, the risk of acid rain is increasing. The main reason for acid rain is that sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is formed when both sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide combine with water. It falls to the ground with water and causes damage to many important buildings, spaces, and humans.

3:It mixes with fog smoke and dust particles in cold days and causes irritation in eyes and trouble in breathing.

4:The effect of air pollution is mainly on humans, this increases the possibility of many types of diseases in humans.

Measures To Prevent Air Pollution:

Planting Trees: 

If we want to control air pollution, then we should plant more and more trees because oxygen is released from the plants and it receives carbon dioxide due to which most of the polluted air is cleared. Plants are being harvested in large quantities due to which air pollution is spreading in large quantities.

Reducing The Factory: 

We should close those factories that cause more pollution and the height of the chimneys should be higher for the factories that we need to have the least impact.

Population Control: 

Today the whole world is grappling with the problem of population growth. If we control the population growth, then there will also be a shortage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and we will need to set up fewer industries, which will reduce the amount of pollution. Population growth is the main cause of air pollution.

A Shutdown Of Old Vehicles :

Even today in India, old vehicles continue to run on the roads, which release a lot of poisonous smoke which pollutes the entire environment. An old vehicle emits smoke equivalent to 10 new vehicles, which plays an important role in air pollution. The government should stop applying the old rules, which can be controlled to control air pollution.


Air pollution is one of the major environmental problems that need to be controlled by the collective efforts of all. The effect of all pollution is harmful but the effect of air pollution is very wide. To protect the environment, we have to plant more and more trees and we should also follow government instruction.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Essay On Water Pollution | जल प्रदूषण पर निबंध


Essay On Water Pollution | जल प्रदूषण पर निबंध

Water pollution is one of the major issues in the world which has existed for some time. Although many initiatives and steps have been taken to prevent water pollution, it is still a matter of greatest concern to the global population. Water pollution can be classified into various types.
Water is an integral part of the environment. Water is a very important source of our life,that is why water is said to be life. Life cannot be imagined on earth without water. Water is one of the basic needs of humans.

The life of the place where water gets contaminated also gets in trouble. The river Ganges was considered very holy and anyone who took a bath in it was considered holy but the same Ganges river has become contaminated today due to the waste coming out of factories. But the Indian government has enacted laws for the cleanliness of the Ganges.

Cause Of Water Pollution:
In addition to drinking, water is consumed in large quantities in domestic use, irrigation, agricultural work, cattle use, commercial and industrial activities etc. Contaminated water generated during human activities when found in a water source by different means.After the manufacture of many industries, the remaining material which does not come in the work, put it in the river etc. 
Due to contamination of the water of rivers and ponds, animals and animals living in it die and if any animal or human drinks that water then the animal dies and man becomes the victim of many diseases. Apart from the industries, there are many other reasons which cause water pollution.
The waste that comes out of our cities and villages is dumped in rivers and ponds. Today, people also use chemical fertilizers and medicines in agriculture, due to which the sources of water are greatly affected. When the contaminated water of rivers gets into the sea, sea water also gets contaminated.
People wash clothes and utensils near the river or ponds instead of washing them at home, due to which soap, pot dirt all get mixed in the river and pond water, due to which the water gets contaminated. Is and this causes destruction.

Problems Or Effects Of Water Pollution:

Water pollution has become a very serious problem in the modern era. Earlier people who used to live by drinking the water of rivers and ponds, in today's time people become victims of many diseases by drinking that water. Even crores of people face the problem of drinking water.
Water pollution poses the risk of many water-borne diseases like cholera, diarrhea, dysentery etc. Chemical pollutants such as mercury, pesticides and others can lead to more serious medical conditions such as mercury poisoning and other cardio vascular or respiratory diseases.

Water pollution causes loss of aquatic life due to various reasons. Solid as well as chemical pollutants pose a serious threat to fishes and other aquatic species. In addition, some pollutants contain microorganisms, ultimately leading to low oxygen content of water because microorganisms consume oxygen. This phenomenon deprives aquatic life of much needed oxygen, resulting in the loss of species.
When the residual material, hot water is received from factories in the water, the atmosphere is also heated along with water pollution, due to which the number of fauna and flora starts to decrease and the aquatic environment also becomes unbalanced. If water pollution happens in this way, then the need for clean water will not be met.

Water Pollution Prevention:

Large quantities of contaminated water are generated from various industrial and human activities. All the remaining material must be destroyed properly by the industry to prevent this pollution. To control water pollution, drains should be cleaned regularly.
The animals should be prevented from bathing in the ponds because the water of the pond is stagnant and due to the bathing of animals, that water gradually becomes dirty and then is not useful in any way. People should also refuse to take bath as they use soap or shampoo while bathing which increases water pollution.
There should be a system of removal of residual materials from factories. Along with the execution of these substances, arrangements should be made for lossless. The nuclear tests at sea should be stopped.
Polluting activities occurring in the watershed, such as activities on rivers etc., household garbage or immersion of prayer material, shedding of dead bodies in rivers etc. should be curbed The water cycle has to be fixed.

Water pollution has taken the form of emergency in today's time. In such a situation, we have to take very big steps immediately. If we want to keep the sources of water safe in future and give clean water to the people of our country for drinking, then from this time we have to take steps to overcome this problem. If we delay this matter then it will prove more fatal.

Water pollution is not only a threat to human health but also to the health of the environment. If the situation is allowed to continue like this, then the day is not far when we will not be left with water for drinking, cooking or other useful purposes. 

It should be known that, although more than 70% of the earth is absorbed in water, only 1% of fresh water is formed. Therefore, it is high time to take global initiatives towards preventing further loss of water resources due to pollution.