
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Essay On Terrorism In English | Essay On Aatankwad


Essay On Terrorism | Essay On Aatankwad


The problem of terrorism has become a major problem not only of our country but of all countries. Terrorists keep their own gangs and they do not accept the legal system of any country. They kill people with their choice. In today's time, when we think about various problems, we come to know that our country is surrounded by many kinds of problems.

Terrorism is an illegal act, which aims to create fear  within the common people.Terrorism is not just a word, it is the world's biggest problem to the common people, which humans have created themselves. If any person or group together spreads violence somewhere, riots, theft, rape, kidnapping, fighting, bomb blasts, then it is terrorism.

Meaning Of Terrorism:

Terrorism is the act of creating fear in the common people through violent acts. Terrorism is the main motive for illegally persuading the government to make inappropriate talk, promote social violence or create fear in government and general public for political purposes.

Terrorists do not have any country, religion and caste. Terrorists very innocently kill innocent children, women, old men and young men. By keeping the legal system in check, terrorists spread their monopoly in the country.      

Those who oppose their actions, or those who take action against them, are driven away by casualties so that those who come forward cannot resist them. They hide in some appropriate place after doing so. This type of terrorism has been prevalent in many places in India.

Problem of terrorism in India:

The terrorism is growing rapidly in India, it is not only having a impact on the country's economy but is also stopping the development of the country. The division of nations on the basis of religion, caste, community, etc. had created a sense of violence, hatred, separatist, terrorism etc. within the people, due to which, even after so many years of independence, the hatred of the people did not end and terrorism created a Took a big form.

In order to create an atmosphere of fear among the Indian public including harming India and occupying many states including Jammu and Kashmir, many such terrorist attacks are carried out, killing many innocent and innocent people of the country.

Apart from this, many violent and inhuman activities including bomb blasts are carried out by terrorists in many public places of India.At the same time, the root cause of terrorism in India is increasing population, poverty, illiteracy, starvation inequality and unemployment.

At the same time, terrorism in India was earlier limited to only a few areas such as Jammu and Kashmir. But terrorism has spread much in India in the last few years. Big examples of this are the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, Jaipur blast, Mumbai train blast, Delhi serial bomb blast, 1993 Mumbai serial blast, Coimbatore blast, attack on Indian Parliament etc.

Terrorism Attack India:

In 2001, terrorists entered in the country's safest building, Parliament House, in daylight.The terrorists were shot dead after a long encounter with police and security personnel. During this time there was panic in the whole parliament.

In 2006, Mumbai's local train was targeted, 7 bombs were blasted in an 11-minute interval, killing many children, old, women, youth.

In 2008, terrorists entered the Hotel Taj and Oberoi in Mumbai, and kept people captive there for several days. Terrorists wanted to fulfill their demand. After the long encounter, one terrorist was killed, and the second Kasab was arrested. Kasab was hanged in 2012.

And there are several attack which is done by terrorist and they are also planning for further attack.

How to Control terrorism:

The Indian government should take hard steps to end terrorist activities. To do this, one must strengthen law and order. Wherever the international border is touching the border of our country, all those areas should be blocked so that the terrorists fail to get arms, ammunition and training from across the border.

Youths and young people who have gone out of their way should be given training and find employment opportunities for them. If the youth are kept busy and given tasks according to their ability, then they will never deviate from the path. Because of this, the terrorists will not be able to get the manpower to carry out their conspiracies and they themselves will end.


Our country is the birthplace of peace and non-violence. Humanity lovers like Mahatma Gandhi were born in this country. We should speared the voice of great saints, sages, sages and gurus all over the country. We should live in the unity.

So that their morale ends and they know that they have put their foot on the wrong path.When they are subjected to self-immolation only then can all live with us in our country. We can solve the terrorist problem only by the combined efforts of both the public and the government.