
Showing posts with label Natural Disaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Disaster. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Essay on Natural Disasters | Prakritik Aapda Par Nibandh In All Language


Essay on Natural Disaster | Prakritik Aapda Par Nibandh In All Language


  • Introduction
  • Types and causes of natural disasters
  • Ways to save life from a natural disaster
  • Conclusion

1) Introduction 

Any situation created by nature that causes harm to humans is called natural disasters or natural disasters. The natural calamity type is given. No human beings just run on it. It is almost impossible to stop these disasters, but even if humans are cautious, the black loss from these disasters can be reduced. Natural disasters happen in many ways and humans and this whole world keeps on facing some kind of a natural disaster at the same time.

If nature creates, it also brings natural disasters. Natural calamity is called when nature takes its form of ravages and affects human life as well as other living beings. Due to these disasters, there is a lot of loss of life and property of the people, as well as the country affected by natural calamity has to bear the economic loss.

2) Types And Causes Of Natural Disasters

A natural disaster is not one, but nature destroys differently. Natural disasters are common on the earth as it is a part of nature. Some of the main natural disasters we have to face are given below.


The increase in the water level due to excess rainfall in any area is called flooding, which affects the lives of the people living there.

Every year in India we have to face natural calamities like floods. Floods can be predicted, so people can be saved from its effects, but due to the huge amount of floods, people have to suffer both losses of life and property.


When vibrations arise in the lower part of the earth, then the surface of the earth starts vibrating and there is great destruction. Wherever an earthquake occurs there is a heavy loss. Earthquakes are the most dangerous form of the natural disaster. Due to the earthquake, big houses and buildings collapse. Thousands of people die due to this disaster.


When an earthquake occurs at the bottom of the sea, a rapid disturbance is generated in the sea which takes the form of a tsunami. Tsunamis originating in the sea cause high waves and destroy the surrounding sea areas. The world has been witness to such a devastating tsunami in which a large number of people have lost their lives and property.


Avalanche means snowstorm. Icy regions often face natural disasters such as avalanches. In an icy storm, snow falls from the high snow mountains and takes the form of a snowstorm. In the state of Jammu and Kashmir of India, every year there are incidents of icy storms in the cold weather.


A landslide is a natural disaster in which a large part of the land, which includes soil and stone blocks, comes down suddenly. It occurs only as a rapid movement of rocks.

Due to gravity power, landslides are also created due to underground movement, mining explosion, and deforestation. Landslides occur as a result of overloading at the top and erosion at the bottom. 

Volcanic Eruption

There are many countries in the world where large volcanoes cause destruction. The hot lava emanating from these volcanoes destroy the surrounding areas. Many types of toxic gases dissolve in the atmosphere due to volcanic eruptions and affect the atmosphere.


Drought occurs when there is no rain during the rainy season. There are many states of India which are prone to drought, where it has not rained for many years. Due to drought, people do not get drinking water, a starvation situation arises, the crop is destroyed and green land also becomes barren. Somewhere behind the drought, humans are responsible.

3) Ways To Save Life From A Natural Disaster

1: One should not live on the banks of the rivers because the flood first affects the people living on the shore, if there is a flood situation, then it is advisable to leave that place.

2: We Cannot predict earthquakes, so construction of houses should be earthquake resistant.

3: If you live in a coastal area, plan to cover the windows of your home and secure outdoor items. If a storm is coming, listen to a local TV or radio station to stay informed and be prepared to leave the space.

4: In the situation of earthquake If you are outside the house, stay away from electrical wires, exterior walls of the building, street, lights, and trees. Do not stand near a building as it may fall. If you are in a moving vehicle, stay away from the building, wall, and trees.

5: Find hight places where you can take shelter during floods.

4) Conclusion

Humans have no control over natural disasters, so we need to avoid its effects. There are many disasters which are also caused by human beings, so the less we interfere in the life of nature, the more we will be able to avoid such disasters.