
Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Essay On Corruption | Bhrashtachar Par Nibandh


Essay On Corruption | Bhrashtachar Par Nibandh


Each country is known because of its culture, its civilization, and character. A country like India had its place in the world due to its truth, honesty, non-violence, religiosity, moral values ​​and humanistic qualities, but in the present situation where India is leaving its culture and adopting western civilization, there is corruption It has become the first nation in the world in the category. 

Due to Corruption, the condition of our country is getting worse. Corruption is the misuse of a particular post on which a person is sitting. Such people take advantage of their positions and indulge in black marketing, embezzlement, bribery, etc., due to which every section of our country is affected by corruption. Due to this, the economic progress of our country is also damaged.

What is the Meaning of Corruption

The simplest definition is: Corruption is the misuse of public power (by elected politicians or appointed civil servant) for private gain.

To ensure that not only public corruption but also private corruption between individuals and businesses could be covered by the same simple definition: Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power (by heritage, education, marriage, election, appointment, or whatever else) for private gain.

This broader definition covers not only the politician and the public servant, but also the CEO and CFO of a company, the notary public, the team leader at a workplace, the administrator, or admissions-officer to a private school or hospital, the coach of a soccer team, etc.

Reason for corruption

1:Due to corrupt politics every other politician in our country is corrupt, his image is not good yet he remains a politician and is running the government.

2:senior officers misuse their positions and get their relatives to get jobs, even if that person is not able to do the job which causes unemployment in the country.

3:The big industrialists of the country bribe the big officers to save their tax so that they do not have to pay tax, which causes a lack of money for the development of our country. Due to this, both industrialists and big officers of our country become corrupt.

4:Due to lack of education, poor people are not able to take advantage of government schemes because the public representatives there do not make them aware of those schemes and all the money is wasted on their own.

5:Some corrupt leaders of the country also do politics in the name of the language. People keep fighting each other due to their language dispute and by taking advantage of this, corrupt leaders commit new scams.

6:Due to poverty, hunger, and rising inflation, unemployment, population growth, and personal selfishness the corruption is increasing day by day.

Side effects of corruption

1:Economic development of our country has slowed down due to corruption.

2:Due to corruption, even today basic facilities like electricity, water, and roads are not available in our village.

3:Due to corruption, the benefits of schemes made by the government do not reach the poor.

4:The disease of corruption has spread to the government and non-governmental organizations in such a way that the common man has to bribe the senior officer to get his work done.

5:The Senior officers misuse their position to benefit their relatives and friends. Such officers meet with corrupt people and do a big deal, due to which the entire government system is being corrupted.

6: Many projects remain incomplete due to corruption and crores of rupees of government treasury are wasted.

7:Due to corruption, the image of our country in the world is very bad. Due to this, many foreign countries do not want to do business with our country.

8:Government is not making any strict rules to stop corruption, So the strength of corrupt people is increasing day by day due to which the number of scams in present has increased compared to the old years.

Measures to stop Corruption

1: No matter who is the criminal of corruption, he should be punished with the harshest. The law should be concise and effective, and equal to everyone.

2:If we want a country free of corruption, then we have to make people aware of the corruption, people in rural areas do not know when someone has done dishonesty with them, so we have to go from village to village and tell people about the growing trap of corruption.

3:Whenever a government tender or government recruitment comes out, the big leaders and often people give that job or tender to their relatives without any qualification, due to which the economy of our country goes into the hands of people who know nothing about it. The government should enact stricter laws by bringing rules over it and prohibit nepotism.

4:We have to be vigilant about our rights because more than half of the corruption happens due to not knowing our rights.

5:The election system should be made easier and less expensive so that people associated with social service and public welfare can also participate in elections.

6:Due to lack of education, people are not able to choose a good public representative, due to which they have to deal with diseases like bribery and corruption. So we need to update our education system.

7:We have to make a habit of protesting against anything wrong. Till we do not protest, corruption will continue to spread like this.


Today, corruption has spread completely in our country India. Despite almost all types of IT companies, large offices, a good economy in India today, India is far behind in the race to develop fully. The biggest reason for this is corruption.

In a developing and democratic country like India, corruption is a great Problem. Our national character seems to be tarnishing. Our moral standard has fallen so much that we don't even think about other people at all.

If we have to eliminate corruption from the root, then the politicians, government system, and the people will have to fight together against it, only then we can save our country from this demon-like corruption.