
Showing posts with label Campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Campaign. Show all posts

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Essay On The Dowry System | Dahej Pratha Par Nibandh


Essay On The Dowry System | Dahej Pratha Par Nibandh


Since ancient times, the dowry system is started in our society as well as in many other societies of the world. It started as helping daughters become self-dependent and financially independent as they begin their lives in a new place after marriage. But as time goes on, it became a disgusting practice rather than helping women.

In our country India, the dowry system is gradually increasing. Even in today's modern era, the dowry system has spread like a curse in the country. Even today, at the birth of the daughter most parents get worried. There is no worry about how to get the girl to study? Worries are about how to get the marriage done, how to collect dowry for marriage?

When Dowry System In India Started?

What is the history of dowry? It is very difficult to say. In this context, it can be said that dowry is very old. In Treta Yuga, King Shri Janak presented a lot of money and gifts in the form of dowry. After this, in Dwapar Yuga, Kans gave a lot of money, clothes, etc. as dowry to his sister Devaki. Then in the Kali-yuga, the dowry system has taken a very broad place in society.

Marriage was considered to be a religious bond in which two families met. At that time, the girl's parents used to give the dowry as accessories for the girl, which was kept by the boy's house without any greed. But as time passed and the evils of society like Sati-Pratha, Jati-Pat in Hindu society, the dowry system also took the form of a trade.

Effect Of Dowry System:

Today, the dowry system has taken a very cruel form in the 21st century. This is also the case, if there is some shortage in dowry at the time of marriage, some people go back without marrying. Even if they get married by mistake, the life of the girl is passed through hell or the girls are divorced with some wrong excuse.

This system sows poison seeds in the sweet relationship of married families and internally forces the couples to break up. The girls are badly affected by this system. This makes many housewives fall victim to physical and mental illnesses. This system reduced the importance of the female in society.

Dowry Is A Curse For Society:

Dowry is the system of giving gifts to the groom and his family in the form of cash, property, and other assets that can be called a curse for women. Dowry has led to many crimes against women. Here is a look at various problems that arise from this practice for the women and her family members:

The Financial Burden On The Family:

Every girl's parents start saving for her marriage since her birth. They save many years for marriage because in the matter of marriage, from the decoration to the catering, it is their responsibility. In addition to this, they are required to give huge amounts of gifts to the groom, his family, and his relatives. Some people borrow money from their relatives and friends while others borrow from the bank to meet these demands.


The person in whose house the daughter is born has no choice but to give dowry and avoid organizing a marriage ceremony. They have to deposit money for their girl's wedding and these people start to conduct some business activities through many corrupt means such as taking a bribe, stealing tax, or improper means.

Emotional Stress For Girl

Mother-in-law often compares the gifts brought by her daughter-in-law to other brides around her and making her feel down. Girls often feel emotionally stressed due to this and suffer from mental depression.

Physical Torture

While some families have made a habit of mistreating their daughter-in-law and never miss an opportunity to humiliate her, some families do not lag in physically exploiting their daughter-in-law. Many cases are exposed from time to time for killing and burning women due to their inability to meet the huge demand for dowry.

Female Foeticide

A girl is always seen as a burden to the family. It is the dowry system that has given birth to female feticide. Many couples have also opposed female feticide. In India, the cases of leaving a newborn girl unclaimed have also been commonly reported.

Possible Ways To End The Dowry System

Despite the laws made by the government, the dowry system still has a stronghold in society. Here are some solutions to eliminate this problem:


Lack of education is one of the main contributors to social systems like dowry system, caste discrimination, and child labor. People should be educated to promote logical and reasonable thinking to get rid of such belief systems that give rise to such bad practices.

Women Empowerment

Instead of looking for a well-established groom for their daughters and investing all their savings on a daughter's wedding, people should spend money on their daughter's education and make them dependent on themselves. Women should continue to work even after their marriages.

Gender Equality

Gender inequality that originally existed in our society is one of the main reasons for the dowry system. From a very young age, children should be taught that both men and women have equal rights and no one is superior or inferior to each other.

Also, various campaigns should be organized to sensitize the issue and make the laws prescribed by the government more stringent.


Dowry is the great stigma of humanity. To wash it off, the cooperation of society and government (governance) is required. The role of society can be important through social organizations, women's organizations, etc. Along with the system of dowry-victimized individuals, especially educated girls themselves, they should spread public awareness to uproot it.

Due to the dowry system, the woman caste has had to endure many types of atrocities. Today we have to take this message to every house that taking dowry is a sin and giving is not right. Today, we have to swear together that we will uproot the caste system and make India an advanced peaceful country.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Essay on Women Empowerment | Nari Shakti


Women Empowerment | Nari Shakti

Women's empowerment can be defined in very simple terms that it is making women powerful so that they can make their own decisions about their life and well being in family and society.It empowers women to enable them to achieve their real rights in society.

In order to bring awareness in the society about the importance and rights of women in the development of the nation, many programs like Mother's Day, International Women's Day etc. are being run by the government. Women need development in many fields.

In India, in order to women empower, it is first necessary to kill all those thoughts that kill their rights and values in society, such as dowry, illiteracy, sexual violence, inequality, domestic violence towards women, Prostitution, and similar topics.

Where women are suffering from bad behavior of their family as well as external society. Women are number one in the number of illiterates in India. The real meaning of women empowerment will be understood when they are given good education in India and they will be able to make independent decisions in every field.

What is the meaning of women empowerment:

Women's empowerment means improving the social and economic status of women. So that they can get equal opportunities for employment, education, economic progress, so that they can achieve social freedom and progress. This is the way through which women too can fulfill their aspirations like men.

In simple words, women empowerment can be defined in such a way that it flows the power of women through which they can take all the decisions related to their life and live well in family and society. Empowering women is their empowerment to achieve their real rights in society.

Why we need women empowerment in India:
As we all know that India is a male dominated country where every sector is dominated by men and women are only responsible for the care of the family and stay at home with many other restrictions. About 50% of the population in India is covered only by women, so the entire development of the country means half of the population depends on women, who are not empowered and are still restricted by many social tab.

In such a situation, we cannot say that our country will develop in the future without empowering half its population, that is, without women. If we want to make our country a developed country, firstly it is very important to empower women through the efforts of men, government, laws and women.
There are many reasons for the need for women empowerment in India. In the medieval period, the honor level of Indian women decreased significantly compared to ancient times. The respect that was given to them in ancient times, in the medieval period, that respect began to decline.

In the modern era, many Indian women hold many important political and administrative positions, yet ordinary rural women are still obliged to live in their homes and do not have facilities like general health facilities and education.

In India too, women are far behind men in India. The education rate of men in India is 81.3 percent, while the education rate of women is only 60.6 percent.So from all these point we can say we need women empowerment in India.

Obstacles in the path of women empowerment in India:

Indian society is a society which includes many customs, beliefs and traditions. Some of these old beliefs and traditions are such that prove to be a hindrance for women empowerment in India. Some of the obstacles are the following -

i) In India, women are still discriminated against at the gender level in workplaces. In many areas, women are not even allowed to go out for education and employment. Also, they do not have the freedom to work independently or take decisions related to family and they are always considered less than men in every task.

ii) Problems like illiteracy among women and skipping studies in between are also very big obstacles in women empowerment. Although in urban areas, girls are equal to boys in education, but in rural areas they are far behind.

iii) Female foeticide or gender-based abortion is one of the biggest obstacles in the way of women empowerment in India. Female foeticide refers to foeticide on the basis of gender, under which female foeticide is aborted without the consent of the mother. Due to female foeticide, there has been a big difference in the sex ratio between women and men in states like Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir.

Role of government for women empowerment in India:

The following schemes are being run by the Government of India for the empowerment of Indian women with the hope that one day women in Indian society will get the benefit of every opportunity like men.

i)Mahila Shakti Kendra :
The scheme  focuses  on  empowering rural women through community participation.Under this, community volunteers such as students and professional individuals provide information about their rights and welfare schemes to rural women.

ii) Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme:
This plan is designed keeping in mind female foeticide and girl education. Under this, efforts are being made to change the thinking of the illusion that the girl is a burden in her family by planning for the betterment of girls and giving them financial assistance. 

iii) Women's Helpline Scheme:
Under this scheme, women are provided 24-hour emergency support service, women can complain of any kind of violence or crime against someone on the number prescribed under the scheme. women can register their complaints by dialing 181 number across the country.


If we want to bring women empowerment in Indian society, the main reason for misdeeds against women with patriarchal and male dominant system of society has to be understood and eliminated. It needs to change the old mind set against women with an open mind and with constitutional and other legal provisions.

Even though in today's society many Indian women have become presidents, prime ministers, administrative officers, doctors, lawyers etc., but many women still need support and 
They still need more cooperation in education, and working independently, safe travel, safe work and social freedom. This work of women empowerment is very important because the socio-economic progress of India depends on the socio-economic progress of its women.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Essay On Swachh Bharat Abhiyan | Swachh Bharat Mission


Swachh Bharat Abhiyan | Swachh Bharat Mission

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is also called Swachh Bharat Mission and Cleanliness Campaign. This isa national level campaign and is  being run by the Government of India, which has been started for the cleanliness of cities and villages. 
The campaign includes construction of toilets, promoting sanitation programs in rural areas, cleaning streets and roads, changing the country's infrastructure .The campaign was officially launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 2 October 2014 at the 145th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in Rajghat, New Delhi.
The launch of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to present the nation as a symbol of cleanliness by the government. The dream of Swachh Bharat was seen by Mahatma Gandhi, in reference to which Gandhi ji said that, "Cleanliness is more important than freedom" in his own time he was well aware of the poverty of the country, that is why he tried to much to achieved his dreams. but could not succeed.

What is Swachh Bharat Abhiyan:
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a national sanitation campaign established by the Government of India, covering 4041 statutory towns, roads, footpaths and many other sites. This is a big movement under which India was said to be completely clean by 2019. 

This mission was launched on 2 October 2014 (145th birthday) on the auspicious occasion of Bapu's birthday. And it is targeted to be completed by 2 October 2019 (Bapu's 150th birthday). The campaign has been implemented in both rural and urban areas by the Ministry of Urban Development and Drinking Water and Sanitation of India.

Some of the objectives of the mission are to eliminate open defecation convert unhealthy toilets   into flush toilets, stop manual scavenging, reuse of solid      and liquid waste, make people aware of cleanliness, good Motivating for habits, making sanitation in urban  and rural areas favorable, and providing conducive environment for all private sectors interested in investing in India, etc.

Need for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan:
Through this campaign, the Government of India will solve the problems of sanitation by enhancing waste management techniques. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is fully associated with the economic strength of the country. The date of birth of Mahatma Gandhi is the date of launch and completion of the mission. 

The basic goal behind starting the Swachh Bharat Mission is to provide toilet facilities across the country, as well as eliminate all unhealthy habits of people in daily routine.It Started on 25 September 2014 in india and was started by Prime Minister Narendra Modi by cleaning the road.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had selected some influential people to promote the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Whose job is to make people aware of cleanliness in their respective areas.
The names of those people are as follows-
(1) Sachin Tendulkar (Cricketer)
(2) Mahendra Singh Dhoni (cricketer)
(3) Virat Kohli (cricketer)
(4) Baba Ramdev
(5) Salman Khan (Actor)
(6) Shashi Tharoor (Member of Parliament)
(7) Team Of Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chasma 
(8) Mridula Sinha (writer)
(9) Kamal Hasan (Actor)
(10) Anil Ambani (Industrialist)
(11) Priyanka Chopra (Actress)
(12) ER Dilkeshwar Kumar

Objective of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan:
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a national level campaign. Prime Minister Modi has planned a 5-year plan to achieve the goal of the main objective of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, under which the goal of making our entire country clean.

The first objective of this campaign is that the every corner of the country should be clean and people should be prevented from defecating in the open. Under this, thousands of children die every year. Toilets should be constructed in every city and rural areas of India.Every street and street in the town and village should be clean.At least one dustbin must be installed in each street.

Overall, the result is that cleanliness is a big need for us in the present time. This time is the time of change for India. Cleanliness is the common responsibility of all of us. No government organization or external force can follow us all the time. In this way, we can say that Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a welcome step to make India clean and green.

We can say with confidence that if this was effectively followed by the people of India, in the coming few years, the entire country will become like a place of God with Swachh Bharat Abhiyan . then we too need to maintain cleanliness in our lives and maintain them, a healthy country and healthy society needs that its citizens be healthy and clean in every business.